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Dolączyć do ulubionychStrawberry field supervisor

Position: Strawberry field supervisor

• Location: Farms in the UK

• Salary: £6.75p/h

• Contract starts: May and last till November 2011

• Hours: Depending on the crop no less than 39hrs p/w

Pro-Force LTD is looking to recruit full time strawberry field supervisors.

The role involves working closely with Farm manager, supervising group of 60 pickers and 3 support staff. Ultimately, you will need to bring out the best in those that you are responsible for, enabling them to pick quickly to the required standards. You will need to recognize those that need more help and support and encourage them to achieve daily targets. Candidate must be able to communicate in English.

Due to the location of the farm, the employer offers accommodation on the farm. You will be charged £33.11 p/w for accommodation.

For more details, or to apply for this role, please call Recruitment team on 01227733880/ 01227730349 or email

He or she will also have to manage one or two farm personnel who will help to monitor the irrigation in the field.
Imię: Pro-Force Ltd
Telefon: Magda
ID ogłoszenia: #11780
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-04-04
Przeczytano razy: 412
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