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Dolączyć do ulubionychDOUBLE ROOM - OAKDALE - GRAB IT NOW

This is a warm, comfortable, friendly four-bedroomed friendly family home in Oakdale giving easy access to both Poole town centre and Bournemouth University. Shared lounge, dining room, two bathrooms, large kitchen (with your own fridge and freezer), garden, off-road parking (if for some reason you find it difficult to park on the road), wireless broadband connection, cable TV and loads of other stuff. The room has a double bed, wardrobe, TV and DVD player. Price includes all utility bills. Bedding and stuff provided if you need it. Extra furniture available on request. Current flatmates include two dogs . We're looking for someone moderately quiet, moderately intelligent, interesting, someone with an income and tolerant of different cultures, as well as our dogs. All genders, cultures, races, nations and creeds are welcome to check us out.

Sliczny pokoj do wynajecia dla uczciwej spokojnej osoby w domu rodzinnym w okolicach Oakdale,Poole. Pokoj jest umeblowany z mozliwoscia korzystania z ogrodka i parkingu. Bardzo blisko przystanku autobusowego oraz stacji.Internt dostepny. Rent £75 funtow tygodniowo wszystkie rachunki wliczone. Wymagany deposit dwutygodniowy.
Imię: simon
Telefon: 01202 772262
ID ogłoszenia: #13227
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-04-22
Przeczytano razy: 667
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