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Dolączyć do ulubionychAdmin and Accounts Assistant

You will be a friendly personality, have a patient disposition and an

impeccable personal appearance. In this role you are the first point of

contact for all visitors to our organisation and you will ensure that you

present the organisation in a positive and professional light. You will need

diplomacy and tact, be able to control a situation and be assertive if

needed. You must have the ability to multi-task and deal with enquiries even

when you are busy.

Imię: Zain Hussein / Piotr Bednarek
Telefon: 01213590202
ID ogłoszenia: #654
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2011-03-22
Przeczytano razy: 493
Generated in: 0.0886 sec. ,mysql 0.0683 sec. (23)
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